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Introduction to Safety and Avalanches (SMT1)

Avalanche course for beginners on dangers, risks, safety and rescue; SMT Winter 1 module


Jura, Alps




1 day



Devis ou réservation de votre sortie d'entreprise

Aux dates de votre choix, avec des aménagements personnalisés à définir selon vos besoins ; nous vous contacterons bientôt.

Avalanche course for beginners: learn to use your safety equipment, how to behave in winter terrain even if it is marked, and plan your route while managing your risks.

You will follow the "Winter 1: Safety & Avalanches" module of the Swiss Mountain Training certification, with an introduction to the fundamentals of winter mountain risk management. This is a 1 day course for beginners in avalanche safety.

Objectives of the SMT 1 Module

  • Know your equipment

  • Understand the avalanche bulletin

  • Understand how to wear and operate your avalanche transceiver

  • Be aware of the main winter hazards (avalanches, cold, weather hazards, ledges, disorientation, falls...)

  • Have been introduced to the 3x3

  • Understand the 4 typical avalanche situations and be able to answer the question: "What is the main danger today?

  • Have understood the general risk reduction measures

  • Be able to perform a simple rescue


  • Start as indicated at the meeting point

  • Checking of equipment and introduction to the avalanche transceiver

  • Theoretical introduction, 3x3, bulletin reading 

  • Observation of the conditions on site

  • Choice of route and departure for a hike with orientation exercises, search and rescue in the terrain

  • End around 16.30 hrs

Gear list

  • Rucksack (possibly Airbag) min 25 litres, charged telephone

  • Warm and breathable hiking clothes to handle the physical effort in winter weather; at least : 

  •     1st technical layer, e.g. wool (avoid cotton), also for legs

  •     2nd warm layer such as a fleece jacket, plus a down jacket Gore-tex hiking trousers and jacket

  •     Sunglasses / mask, sun cream, hat, one pair of gloves + one spare

  • Complete equipment for snowshoeing, with mountain hiking boots (high)

  • Avalanche transceiver (3 antennas + marking function), probe, shovel

  • Paper - pencil 

  • Depending on the day's programme, small snack and hot drink (thermos). 

  • Min 1 litre, max 2 litres of water

  • Personal belongings and medication

Tarifs et réservation

Vous pouvez faire une demande de réservation pour obtenir un devis que nous vous confirmerons après vous avoir contacté pour finaliser tous les détails. Contactez-nous pour des arrangements spéciaux.

Exemples d'arrangements spéciaux :

  • Hébergement / réservation de salle de réunion

  • Organisation d'ateliers extérieurs

  • Restauration sur le chemin, pique-niques, par exemple fondue au fromage, thé, vin biodynamique du Domaine de la Colombe à Féchy, café expresso italien, etc.

  • Événements de dégustation de vins

Nous proposons un transfert en minibus VIP jusqu'au point de départ de l'événement.

Modalités de paiement : 50 % à l'avance, 50 % après l'événement. 100% des frais sont dus en cas d'annulation 15 jours avant le début du l'évènement, et 50% dans les 30 jours.

Services included

  • SMT 1 course and supervision by a mountain leader with federal diploma / SMT expert

  • Documentation published by the SLF and ASGM concerning avalanche danger and prevention and accident management, Graphic Reduction Method (GRM) map

  •  Safety equipment, snowshoes, sledges (if necessary) and poles according to available stock, contact us

Not included

  • Transport or lifts (if necessary)

  • Rental of equipment not in stock (sledges, avalanche transceivers, snowshoes etc.)

  • Picnic and drinks to take with you

Ce que les participants disent

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