Winter hikes in the wild Jura
On the trail of the wolf or the lynx and many others, while observing the hibernating trees...
A snowshoe outing with colleagues or friends to recharge your batteries, following the tracks of wolves, lynx, stoat, deer, wild boar or grouse, and many others. We will interpret their tracks and unravel the mysteries left by the fauna before our passage, and observe nature in the middle of winter
During a guided snowshoeing tour in the snow and in complete safety, a new world will be revealed to you. Signs of presence, tracks, sounds, wolf or fox tracks, deer, grouse or even capercaillie droppings: the seemingly quiet forest and snowy meadows will come to life as we go deeper into the wild. The stoat will signal itself by its frantic leaps, the fox's tracks will cross those of the hare, the wild boar will distinguish itself by its typical way of digging in the snow and the earth.

Intensity: medium, walking time 2 to 5 hours, loop of 3 to 10km depending on planning
Start: 9.30 am or to be agreed, location to be determined
Transport: 6 places available in the guide's car
End: latest 5pm
Lunch: picnic, or optional cheese fondue / raclette on the way or at a typical alpage restaurant
Contact us for further details or organisational aspects
Gear list
Rainproof backpack (approx. 25 liters)
Personal belongings and medication, telephone
Snowshoes, sticks, gaiters
High hiking shoes with profiled / Vibram soles
Warm winter hiking clothes, at least:
1st technical layer, e.g. wool (avoid cotton), also for legs
2nd warm layer with fleece jacket plus warm down (puff) jacket
Long pants and hiking jacket
If not waterproof: provide additional protection against rain
Sunglasses, sun cream, hat, possibly a pair of light gloves
1 liter of water minimum, 2 liters maximum, possibly a thermos
Snacks, dried fruit, etc.
Camera, binoculars (recommended)
Tarifs et réservation
Vous pouvez faire une demande de réservation pour obtenir un devis que nous vous confirmerons après vous avoir contacté pour finaliser tous les détails. Contactez-nous pour des arrangements spéciaux.
Exemples d'arrangements spéciaux :
Hébergement / réservation de salle de réunion
Organisation d'ateliers extérieurs
Restauration sur le chemin, pique-niques, par exemple fondue au fromage, thé, vin biodynamique du Domaine de la Colombe à Féchy, café expresso italien, etc.
Événements de dégustation de vins
Nous proposons un transfert en minibus VIP jusqu'au point de départ de l'événement.
Modalités de paiement : 50 % à l'avance, 50 % après l'événement. 100% des frais sont dus en cas d'annulation 15 jours avant le début du l'évènement, et 50% dans les 30 jours.
Guiding services by a mountain leader with federal diploma
Fresh espresso coffee or tea and snacks
Background information on the region, nature and landscape
Animation on the theme according to the agreed format
We will also discuss various aspects of biodiversity in relation to the forest and the place of humans in it
Observations of fauna, flora and geology
Not included
Lunch and drinks
Public transportation
Rental of snowshoes and poles
Security material